Hypno Gastric Band Weight Control System in Bournemouth, Poole, Broadstone & Dorset at the Wessex Hypnotherapy Centre.
A real alternative….PAIN FREE Gastric hypnosis Band Surgery!
Fern Brittan lost an amazing amount of weight in a fairly short period of time and so achieved a healthier, trimmer body. This was down to having an operation to have a gastric band fitted. The operation achieved some fantastic results for Fern as she managed to dramatically reduce her body weight; unfortunately though, for many people this is not an option as there are some real dangers for overweight people having a surgical operation.
A Gastric Band reduces the size of your stomach and allows you to eat smaller portions of food and feel full much quicker. With this surgical procedure it is possible to lose large amounts of weight easily and keep that weight off permanently. But surgery can be very costly and if you pay for the operation privately it can cost anything up to £8000!
If you are able to have an operation through the NHS then you have to meet certain criteria, one of them being clinically obese with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of over 40 and have a condition posing a serious health risk. The results for certain people such as Fern Brittan have been absolutely fantastic, but for many other people a surgical procedure is not always an option.
Virtual Gastric Hypnosis Band System
In Spain a few of years ago a British couple developed a real alternative solution to having full gastric band surgery called the hypnoband and pioneered a system where using hypnosis and hypnotherapy the client really feels that the surgery has taken place. This type of therapy has become very successful in helping people to lose weight and then keep that weight off.
Over many years I have been specialising in helping people to lose and control their weight and by incorporating this new procedure with my own weight loss programme I have seen many clients lose weight and stay healthy and slim.
How does the process work?
When in hypnosis positive suggestions are given which help to retrain your subconscious mind to believe that you have had a gastric band fitted to your stomach. This allows you to then eat much smaller portions of food giving you a satisfying feeling of being full, so that you start to lose weight easily and at a steady pace.
“I’m feeling much better and far more confident about myself in general, I honestly wish I had thought of this before rather than diets etc”…Michelle.
“I cannot recommend Rob enough and tell anyone who wants to lose weight permanently to try and see for yourselves the incredible results. My only regret is that I didn’t try this sooner. Thanks Rob”….Jon
Hi Rob,
Just a quick email to wish you Happy Christmas and a huge thank you.
I hate using clichés but I really feel the hypnotherapy has changed my life! I am eating more healthily and have dropped over 2 stone so far! I have just joined the gym with a few of my housemates who are joining in with the weight loss regime. I still have a long way to go, but I feel the most confident I have ever felt about losing weight. Have just booked tickets to New York in June so I need to be fit enough to climb the 354 steps to the top of the Statue of Liberty!
Thanks again and I hope you have a great Christmas!….Ollie
Dear Rob
Thank you for the virtual gastric band therapy, which I am delighted to report is amazingly successful. Although it was such a short time ago, I have lost my first stone. So easy, and I am not on a diet! Eating smaller quantities of normal, delicious, healthy food I never feel hungry and I have no desire to snack. The weight is simply falling away, exactly as you said it would.
Rob, the hypnosis was so blissfully relaxing and enjoyable. I look forward to listening to your soothing voice on the CD every evening, a little bit of total “me” time.
Warm regards……Sue
Steady Loss of weight using hypnosis.
The amount of weight you can expect to lose with the virtual gastric hypnosis band is sustainable and healthy. On average you can expect to lose around 1 to 3 pounds per week, thus achieving a steady weight loss. Medical studies have shown that this level of weight loss doesn’t affect the body’s metabolic rate, so there’s no artificial loss of weight where the body burns muscle instead of fat; this is where somebody loses huge amounts of weight in a very short period of time only to put it all back on and more.
We all know how easy it is to get into a habit of eating the wrong type of food and get stuck in that habit. For example opening a packet of biscuits and one leading to another until the whole packet is gone! Now with this system there is a way to not only lose that extra weight at a steady and sustainable pace which is the right rate for your body, but it also gives you the ability to change how you look at food.
You will gain the ability to work out what is really a feeling of hunger and what is simply connected to an emotional drive such as being bored or feeling anxious or depressed. Or sometimes, as we all know, eating is just a habit and you will be able to detect these emotions and feelings and work out whether you really are hungry or not.
Plus points and Benefits
In a fact sheet that was published, the benefits of actual gastric band surgery were quite wide ranging and suggested that a more active and fulfilled sex life was one of the advantages of losing weight along with an increase in self-confidence, better mobility, a longer life-expectancy and being less susceptible to illness. It is therefore easy to see how the benefits of having a gastric hypnosis band are becoming an obvious and safer alternative.
Can you afford to wait until you are that overweight or unwell? Even if you do qualify you could be refused gastric band surgery if your GP or surgeon feels that you would not do well after the operation. There is a real lifestyle change you need to follow and not everyone can cope with it.
Cost of the sessions:
The assessment consultation to find out whether the gastric hypnosis (hypnoband) will suit the client costs £40, followed by £240 for the following 4 sessions (i.e. £60 per session).
For any more information about the gastric hypnosis band please call Rob at Wessex hypnotherapy on 01202 245020 or 07920 885015.
Confidentiality is strictly observed at all times.